
chn energy provided 2.9 billion gj of heating in the 2023-pg电子游戏官网官方网站

author:    source: communication company   time: 2024-04-10   font:【 】

chn energy, with 138 days of stable heating and high-quality service, effectively ensured clean heating for the vast northern regions. during this period, the heating provided by chn energy reached 2.9 billion gj, an increase of 11.8% year-over-year, covering an area of 820 million square meters. this effort provided warmth through the winter for the people and successfully completed a heartfelt mission.

chn energy engineer inspecting heating pipelines to check for equipment hazards.

winter heating is a "livelihood project". chn energy actively fulfilled its responsibilities as a central energy enterprise, promptly organized a video conference on heating supply for peak winter periods, and arranged various tasks to ensure electricity and heating supply. by leveraging the integrated advantages of coal and electricity operations, it increased the supply of self-produced coal to heating companies in the northeast and other areas, conducted daily dynamic monitoring of heating and supply conditions in 13 provinces and regions to ensure efficient and orderly heating. each heating company, following the group's unified deployment, developed scientific, effective, and feasible supply plans based on local resources, environment, and climate characteristics. they detailed tasks, perfected emergency measures, and strengthened capacity to ensure responsibility at all levels, laying a solid foundation for reliable electricity and heating supply during peak winter times.

operating personnel adjusting the travel of heating valve actuators.

at the same time, the company enhanced heating capacity and reliability through technical innovation and improved service quality and efficiency with intelligent and refined management. the liaoning thermal power company firmly established a "major customer service" mentality, regularly conducting "door-to-door warmth" services, visiting schools, communities, and families, thoroughly assessing heating conditions, proactively understanding public demands, and helping solve problems. the lingwu company in ningxia, relying on china's first "cross-yellow river, long-distance, and high-temperature difference" heating project, delivered clean heat to over 75 million square meters of residential areas in yinchuan city.
