
china energy: forging the first-pg电子游戏官网官方网站

author:    source: communication company   time: 2023-12-28   font:【 】

currently, under the dual drive of energy revolution and digital revolution, a new round of global technological revolution and industrial transformation is in full swing. the national energy group takes proactive measures, strengthens the top-level design, and coordinates planning for technological innovation, accelerating the construction of a leading technology enterprise.

the implementation of collaborative innovation mechanisms is deepened, actively participating in the 5g innovation alliance; establishing 3 collaborative innovation centers for intelligent heavy-duty railways, coal-based chemicals and new materials, and deep high-temperature geothermal development and utilization; the total number of collaborative innovation centers reaches 7. collaborative initiatives with 4 universities, including china university of mining and technology, for mutual exchange, and cooperation with zhejiang university in cultivating outstanding engineers, deepen the integration of production, education, and research led by the group.

focusing on core responsibilities and main industries, the enterprise plays a leading role in technological innovation, with 79 key technologies in industrial sectors such as coal and electricity reaching international leading levels. the group has undertaken over 150 national research tasks, ranking at the forefront of central enterprises. in the past two years, the group has been granted 1,641 invention patents, a yoy increase of 46%. there are 19 national-level research platforms and a significant increase in the release of international standards (4), national standards (52), and industry standards (92).

by relying on industries, the group implements leading scientific and technological research, empowers industrial development through technological innovation, and achieves breakthroughs in key technologies such as green and intelligent coal mining, intelligent and efficient flexible coal-fired power generation, "three transformations" in coal chemical industry, intelligent heavy-duty transportation, smart port shipping, wind power, photovoltaics, hydrogen energy, and energy storage.

china energy's jiangsu taizhou company has fully mastered the key technology process of ccus large-scale carbon capture with independent intellectual property rights, and has built the largest ccus project in asia with the best comprehensive indicators and the most comprehensive utilization, effectively reducing comprehensive energy consumption and capture costs, leading the global development of thermal power ccus technology.

at china energy's guoneng taishan power plant, successful trials of coal-ammonia co-firing have been conducted on a 600 mw coal-fired power generation unit, forming a set of clean and efficient coal-ammonia co-firing technology systems, providing a solution for ammonia-coal coupling combustion power generation.

by 2030, china energy aims for the overall technology of its coal, electricity, transportation, and chemical industries to reach the international leading level. the goal is to build a leading technology enterprise with first-class innovation capabilities, achievements, and mechanisms.
