
china's first through-pg电子游戏官网官方网站

author:    source: communication company   time: 2024-01-16   font:【 】

recently, china's first 128-kilometer through-phase power supply demonstration project achieved successful power transmission at the nalinchuan traction substation on china energy's xinshuo railway, marking the completion of power transmission for both traction substations in the project.

the newly installed traction transformer at the nalinchuan traction substation in operation.

this project leverages the theory of through-phase power supply, modern power electronics technology, and modern measurement and control technology, focuses on eliminating the phase division along the entire line. it aims to improve the utilization rate of traction transformers and enhance the quality of electric energy. building on the achievement of through-phase power supply at individual substations, the project has now realized through-phase power supply for the entire line. prior to the power transmission, static tests were conducted on 17 aspects, including powering up the power unit of the through-phase power supply device, series-parallel testing and grid connection testing, and stability of parallel-connected busbars. the test results were all qualified, and after the power transmission, various equipment operated normally.

once completed, the project will achieve the first-ever segmented measurement and control of the entire line and bilateral through-phase power supply for traction power systems. this technological advancement will fully unleash the power supply capacity of the traction power system, increase the operational capacity of the baqun line by 6%, save approximately 10 million yuan in basic electricity costs annually, enhance the stability of the traction power system, and reduce operational maintenance costs. it will contribute to cost reduction, efficiency improvement, and increased value creation for the company. the project is a vivid practice in implementing the requirements of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. it holds significant practical importance in leading technological innovation in the heavy-duty railway transportation industry and promoting electrified railways."
